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What is an APR?


What does it mean to lock the interest rate?

What are points?

Should I pay points to lower my interest rate?

If you intend to remain in the property for a few years, 支付折扣点来降低贷款利率通常是一个明智的决定. 这样做可以降低你每月的按揭付款,并有可能增加你可以借到的钱. Nevertheless, if you plan on living in the property for only a year, 每月的储蓄可能不足以收回你支付的折扣点数的前期成本. Therefore, it’s important to consider your long-term goals 在决定支付折扣点以降低贷款利率之前.


What is an appraisal?

What happens during underwriting?

What is a conditional approval?

What does "clear to close" mean?

What happens at closing?